Title : Drawing cartoons and comics
Author : Brian Fairrington
Publisher : for dummies
Published :August 3,2009
Language : English
Print length : 368 pages
The books makes each words simple to understand because This books it focuses on clear explanations and step-by-step instructions.
The key framework of "Drawing Cartoons and Comics for Dummies" by Brian Fairrington revolves around providing a comprehensive introduction to the art of cartooning and comic creation for beginners.
Why did you decide to read this book?
I want to improve my drawing skills and learn new tricks, so I chose this book because I'm also interested in its illustration tutorials.
Were you glad that you decided to read it? Explain.
Yes, very much. This book has helped me correct the mistakes I often make when I pour my hobby into my work. Because of this, I've become even more enthusiastic about strengthening the characteristic processing of character personalities into the comic I'm creating.
What did you like best about this book?
I like the part "Getting Inspired for Storyline Ideas: Just Open Your Eyes" because it really depicts my position as a painter who enjoys researching an object from the aspects of language, texture, vision, ambiance, and my surroundings. Sometimes, I feel inspired by a certain condition, and this part also explains that from he most frequent question professional cartoonists get asked is, “Where do you get your ideas?” This question is asked so frequently that I know several colleagues who provide canned responses like, “There’s a guy in Newark you can write to for ideas. But he won’t send you any unless you promise him your sister.” The other famous retort is, “From the Idea Fairy.”
What did you like least? Maybe for some readers who are reading the tutorial in this book for the first time, it might feel uncomfortable because this book could miss its target audience, making the audience more confused about how to do this tutorial if they don't get enlightenment or ask the artist directly.
Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain.
Of course, I can give it to friends who enjoy honing their art skills, however, it's possible that this book might not appeal to my friends who prefer reading novels over instructional books.
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book for you? (1 = easy, 10 = difficult) Why?
I would give it 8 , why is that? Because I enjoy the book directly and this book is also related to my hobby.
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